Sunday, May 27, 2007


[placeholder for Caitlin's photos from Paris]


Chip CMT

Chip (middle) on the CMT red carpet pretending to be cool (good job)!

Giving up

when painting
there is a point
you must step away from the canvas
as the work
is done
any more would take away.

LIttle girl

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Counting Crows - Colorblind

I am folded
and unfolded
and unfolding
I am ready
I am ready
I am

Friday, May 25, 2007

Rose McGowan for Italian Vogue

Rose McGowan for Italian Vogue by Ellen von Unwerth

Rose McGowan for Italian Vogue by Ellen von Unwerth
View @

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Willem Jan Neutelings and Michiel Riedijk

Conceived in collaboration with the 65-year-old artist Jaap Drupsteen, the structure’s panels are imprinted with famous images from Dutch television: the justice minister riding his bicycle, say, or Johan Cruyff scoring a goal. Using computer technology, Mr. Drupsteen ran the images together and baked them into the glass.

The effect is mesmerizing. The images are only barely discernible from certain angles, as if the building were imprinted with the faint traces of shared memories. But the exterior facades are also a sly critique of contemporary culture. The blur of images conveys the daily bombardment from the Internet, television, movies and newspapers, yet here they seem frozen in time, as if temporarily tamed.

--the New York Times

Chick: When I say I'm not hungry what I mean is I just want to eat the icing off something.

--Washington Square

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007


"I wish my lawn were more emo so it would cut itself."
-Krista's facebook

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thank you Thank you

Thank you Max Thank you Max Thank you Max Thank you Max Thank you Max for recovering some of my artwork pictures, lost during my harddrive crash. Here are two, a sketch and an oil, that were done most recently. May post more later

Nathan, oil

Emmanuel, picture sketch

Paris, watercolor

Monday, May 14, 2007

This Week's Best

Some of the best quotes from this week's Overheard in New York:

Mommy's Not Done Tucking, Honey
Little girl singing in stall: It's okay that Mommy is a man, Mommy is a man, Mommy is a man! It's okay that...
Mom: Brooke! Jesus Christ!
Little girl: Oh, Mommy is a man la la la la la! Can we get tacos?

--Restroom, MoMA

They Wanted Someone Who Could Hallucinate Outside the Box

Fashionista: Yeah, one time I thought I took, like, 96 bong hits, but then I realized that I wasn't inhaling.
Boyfriend: What about the time you ate thirty mushrooms and applied to Morgan Stanley?
Fashionista: Haha, I know! Who would have thought I'd have gotten that job?!

--Bowery Bar

Through Beer Goggles, It Reads 'Fhsghg'

Dude looking at sign for Godiva store: If you look at that sign, you could read it as 'Go diva.'
Chick: Yeah, if you look at it through gay goggles.

--The Village

Wednesday One-Liners Join the UFC
Hobo to entire platform: You've seen cripple fights. You've seen hobo boxing. Now prepare yourselves for rich white assholes pushing to get on the train. [Train pulls in.] Briefcases may be used as shields. Good luck, folks.

--4/5 platform, Union Square

Paris Je T'aime

Exclusive trailer premiere of "Paris Je T'aime".

Paris, Je T'aime Trailer

Six degrees


Will the boy get the girl in the end
Will it turn out the way we want it to
Will the good guys win
If you watch enough television or movies
You find yourself expecting these neat resolutions
We’ve become addicted to happy endings, to closure
But life, is all about the ambiguities
And it has been said that the only certainty there is in life
is that you never know what’s going to happen.

If only this was real...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Within you I lose myself
Without you I find myself
Wanting to be lost again.
~Author Unknown

Bjork's New Album

Full version of Bjork's upcoming single "Innocence"...
...on her MySpace page.

Friday, May 11, 2007



"Um. What's taking you so long to post today?


Is anyone there!? [tapping receiver rapidly]

All I'm getting is fuzz."


White bun "Mirah" and brown bun "Toshi" sent in by Flickr-er Mia S.!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


INFIDEL continues to have some of the Best Hard Sound to come out of the circuit in a decade.


Blast into space
Fall down from grace
Know your place
I am the fix for you

You can get desperate
for anything rapturous,
disaster or bliss.



My new hairstyle and hairstylist are a work of art.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Of NY and 12 inches

home tonight to the most
lovely smell of my Wisteria blooming on the patio. It filled my lungs and invigorated my spirit.

NY highlights:
~12" of my hair has now been donated to Locks of Love cut by Marco - celebrity stylist. It's a big change, but it's amazing.
~I've learned that I can't walk more than 5 hours in Soho with stilettos.
~I've learned that that my color chart is still in effect.
~I've learned that Fendi sunglasses are excellent at hiding eyes.
~I've learned that I'm an amazing cook.
~I also learned I really rock at science.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Box of Sunshine

You say
Love forever
Your eyes
Want another

Everybody wants your sunshine
Everybody wants you, so fine
Everyone can have you, but
You're mine, mine, mine

Box of
Box of

If that's what you want
That's what you're going to get
If that's what you need
A few more
A few more than I
Desire, I
Still want you
Sharing like lovers do

Everybody wants your sunshine
Everybody wants you, so fine
Everyone can have you, but
You're mine, mine, mine

Box of
Box of

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

B6/5 continued

Today we had a gunshot victum on the unit; failed suicide. Shotgun to the face. I hate how everyone sees this as normal. I hate how everyone writes in their notebooks. And I hate how I'm turning into them.

House, MD


Foreman: I hate that in order to be like you as a doctor I have to be like you as a human being. I don't want to turn into you.

Foreman: You'll save more people than I will. But I'll settle for killing less.

----New 05/03
Links from Cindy and David:

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

That I Would Be Good

That I would be good even if I did nothing
That I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
That I would be good if I got and stayed sick

That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
That I would be great if I was no longer queen
That I would be grand if I was not all knowing

That I would be loved even when I numb myself
That I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
That I would be loved even when I was fuming

That I would be good even if I lost sanity
That I would be good
Whether with or without you


FOR THOSE OF YOU who were interested I survived my "Faculty Defense" today. Regardless of Richie 3 inches away!


His Holiness

Hot of the presses from a trip to India...David, I do believe you are the first person ever to take thermographic images of the Dali Lama.

His Holiness "HH", Prayer flags, and clouds in infrared false-color images:

Richie (Director of our program) and HH

Matthieu and Barry
